Before I start, I would like to confess that I watch
Bravo's The Real Housewives of Atlanta and if you have a problem all I have to say is, "who gon' check me boo?!" Ok, now that we got that out of the way, I have decided to start a new award for those with permanent "foot in mouth" disease aka always speaking out of turn, expressing nonsense opinions, or talking when nobody even called for your opinion! Yenkasa's KA WA NU TU MU AWARD. Our first awardee is none other the big-mouthed, classless chick known as Nene "see me see trouble" Leakes (
Real Housewives of Atlanta) who seems to think she is refined yet, her bushness (lack of class) creeps out every time she opens her mouth. The video below shows Nene lending her nonsense opinion in the most crass and overbearing way possible. Granted Mike Lohan is no saint but sheesh!!!
So Nene, we congratulate you--you are Yenkasa's first "Ka Wa Nu Tu Mu" awardee. You are mbuasem (nonsense, foolishness) personified!
Nene, your prizes are a long teeth kissing (tcheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeew) and a roll of eyes (Ghanaian style--this roll is extra long and looks like your eyes are going to fall into the back of your head and is often accompanied by a synchronous turning of the head). To my girls out there, whenever you find yourself in the company of someone like Nene, now you know what to do...lol
So to Nene, KA WA NU TU MU!!! Oh hwo!
© 2009 Akua B.G.
eeiii Nene aba!!!! i have to give it to the chick though, she certainly can take as much as she dishes lmao
The chick is nuts! She really does dish hard, but honestly I am not sure she is not as good as taking "Don't be Tardy for the Party" the chick was salty. I know she went home and cried in her closet. HAHHAHHAHAH
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