Wednesday, November 22, 2006

MY Ghana Pipuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

Yesterday I was talking to my this dude and we agreed that our Ghana peeps are "doing way too much" in Americhes lately. Let me explain...

Of late, we have been hearing too many negative things about some of our brothers and sisters. Actually not just in Americhes, even in Europe and other abrochire places. We are now in the news for things such as drug trafficking, killing spouses, 419 activities. OH HWO! What happened to our reputation as one of the "model immigrant" groups? Why are we becoming so "follow fashion?" Why are becoming such "feel-a-mongers?"

MI PA MU KYEW (I am begging you) stop the nonsense and let us try to regain/retain our good reputations. I mean look at a whole Sam Jonah's son arrested for illegal activities in Georgia ( ), look at a whole Daasebre arrested for drug trafficking What about the engineer who decided that his over 100k/yr job was not enough money so he decided to work with ghetto chics to arrange fake marriages . He even went as far as to set up an office (everyone knows you are supposed to ask a close friend or family member for a hookup). Aboa ba.

These are just the popular stories that I have posted. There are many more. It is an embarrasment. We know we are all after the American or European dream but dang do we have to swallow drugs or engage in other illicit activities to attain this dream. My friend, find your level and stop trying to live champangne lifestyle on 40 ounce budget.

Ok, I will now step off my soapbox but for real tho it's annoying.

And so what?

Eyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, I know you people have been insulting me for not blogging in a long time. Well, I will take the typical Ghanaian/African stance that we often take when peeps insult you or point out a mistake:
"And so what, is it you that brought me to America?"
"Is it you that pays my school fees?"
"Is it by force?"
"Is it you that taught me how to start a blogging account?"
"Is it you that showed me how to type?"
"Can you beat me?"
"Am I afraid of you?"
"I know my rights ohhhh!!!"
"Is it because I am African that you think you can talk to me anyhow?"
"My friend, I will not take this your nonsense"
"My friend, find your way"
"My friend stay in your lane and let me stay in mine"
"Who born you by mistake?"
"Go a you"
"Look at your mouth like, "why haven't you been blogging!"
"My friend, in case you have not heard I have been very busy, in fact you are even lucky I have time to talk to you"

...Last but not least...Jai mi life ma mi. Mbuasem
:) all seriousness, I will try to be more "on the ball." Forgive me ohhhh and add your own wonderful Ghanain insults.
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